A couple weeks ago we went to the Hill Air Force Museum. It is the best place to take boys. They loved it. We went with my parents but I just realized I have no pictures of them. Anyways, it was fun! Enjoy the pics.
We had a great Christmas. Since all the decorations are finally put away i thought i better catch up on my blog. So here is what we have been up to this last month. The picture above is the boys Christmas morning. They are just a little excited to open presents.
Santa came through. They got their battery jeep they asked for.
Having fun with presents.
Dressing up as shepherds for the nativity at Grandma Glover's.
Hitting the pinnate at Grandma Larsen's Christmas Eve.
Just love these guys!
Making Christmas cookies.
Building their first snowman of the year thanks to Dad's help.
Decorating Candy houses.
Going to see Christmas lights at Temple Square.
Well we have had a lot of fun. The best part is Chad has been out of school. So now it's back to reality. Hope you all had a great December.