The boys are obsessed with the skate park. That is all Bentley wants to do. They ride there scooters and try tricks. Braxton and Zach usually come too. Luckily for the girls there is a park near by. Hey at least it makes them tired.

We did it. We survived Lagoon. It actually is getting better as the kids get bigger. Bentley and Lincoln went on some roller coasters. Taylor loved the rides. Some of the rides we could all go together. The kids told me and Chad thank you a million times. So they must have loved it. Lincoln told me his favorite part was hanging out with his family. I couldn't agree more.
Bentley had a great birthday. He had a party with friends at Airbourne trampoline arena. The boys had a great time. Jumping, pizza, presents, can't go wrong. The next day was Bentley's birthday. Grandpa took him to lunch. He then went to the skate park. (of course) He got a skate ramp and new handle bars for his birthday. Bentley is full of energy. He is really smart, emotional and never gets tired. He definitely keeps us on our toes. We love you Bentley. Happy 9th Birthday!