Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

This week Chad and i celebrate our Anniversary. We have been married a whopping 5 years. Hey i know to some that is not long, but our marriage has lasted longer then most celebrity marriages. I can't believe how fast it has gone. Since it is our 5 year anniversary, i thought i would write the top five reasons why i love Chad.
1- He is smart! (hello electrical engineer, not only is he good with math and computers, he knows a lot about almost everything)
2- He is young at heart! (he loves to have fun, he will try anything at least once, he can't wait for Bentley to get bigger so they can wakeboard, snowboard, four wheel, snowmobile, anything that requires a helmet.)
3- He is honest! (this is a quality hard to come by these days, he has so much integrity, working in the mortgage business he could take advantage of a lot of people, he goes the other way completely, he is always cutting fees and charging less just to be nice)
4- He is caring! (he will do anything for you, he is always helping people out with projects, he is always worried about his family and friends, he cares a lot about the people who are close to him and complete strangers)
5- He is obedient! (he believes in the gospel and stands by it, he is willing to do what ever is asked of him, he is a great example to me)
Of course there are many more reasons why i love him. Most of all i love him because with all the crazy things i do he still loves me. Happy Anniversary Chad!!!!


Todd and Melissa said...

Umm I wish I could read any of that. Happy Anniversary anyway! We love you guys!

Us said...

Wow! You guys are getting old(in marriage years). Happy anniversary.

Heidi Openshaw said...

What a good man. Congrats on your five years together!