Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Global Warming???

I believe in a lot of things: gravity, Jesus, modern medicine, but i do NOT believe in global warming. Since it is earth day i thought i might write why global warming is not real.

1- Why would anybody believe what Al Gore says? (hello he said he invented the internet and he didn't, plus he is a politician)
2- Can anyone explain the ice age to me? (there wasn't anyone on earth to pollute the air but yet the Earth got warmer and the ice melted)
3- What is the ideal temperature of the earth? (i'm pretty sure nobody knows, not even the Earth)
4- The polar bears are actually not dying but growing in number. (you can look it up)
5- It is trendy. (look at all the products that everybody is selling, they are expensive too, they just want to make money off of you)
6- If the glaciers are going to melt and water levels are going to rise, then why is beach front property still soo expensive?
7- You don't have to believe everything you hear. Especially if the news is reporting it.

So happy Earth day all you tree huggers. Now go drive you Subaru outbacks with your dogs in the back, into the mountains and stay there. As for me, i will be doing my best to make my carbon foot print bigger.


Kyle and Ashlee said...

HAHAHAHAHHAH....I totally peed my pants reading this post. I am so glad I am your friend!!!

Callgirl said...

wow, that was nothing short of hilarious! I totally agree with you. Al Gore is indeed an idiot.

slarsen said...

You make me want to plant a tree Melissa!

rsmission08 said...

Great job Melissa, I am amazed you even knew what global warming was. (Just kidding). Back here in the North Country having just finished the worst winter in 40 years, global warming is a big laugh. Dad

Brooke said...

Just because you don't believe in global warming doesn't mean you should make your carbon footprint bigger. It still isn't good to breathe all this crap in the air and our landfills are filling up. I agree with you on some points, but I still think we should take care of our earth!

Angela Cloyd said...

Melissa you are the best. You have not changed a bit, you are so real I love it! It was so good to see you the other day. I wish we would have had more time to catch up!

Your boys are SO adorable! What a cute family!

If you want to email me at
I will send you an invite to our little fam's blog too.

I hope to see you again soon:)

Angie Izatt-Cloyd

Toomey Family said...

You're awesome Melissa!! I sure miss you!!

Heidi Openshaw said...

Hilarious! You make me laugh, and I love it. Way to speak your mind woman.