Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Four Wheelin'!

I know i haven't blogged for a while (sorry about that). Well not much has changed. The boys are growing. Thanksgiving was yummy! We did have a fun Thanksgiving weekend. Bentley's favorite part was riding four-wheelers. He is in love with them. I know he is not wearing a helmet. They don't make them small enough for him. Plus we go like 10 mph and he doesn't ride very long. Enjoy the pictures. Mom and Dad Thanksgiving wasn't the same without you. On a side note, i know some of the pictures or fuzzy. We are looking for a new camera ours is on the fritz.

Mom this pictures for you!


Todd and Melissa said...

I wish I was cool enough to be invited to go four wheeling.

*** said...

What a fun time 4-wheeling! Bentley looks like he absolutely loves it. I love that you had to plead your case for why he didn't have a helmet on :). And, Lincoln is so dang cute and getting so big. Such great little guys!!